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TWO HOUR DELAY - 2/13/25
Western Boone Jr./Sr. High School Logo

Student Life Clubs & Activities Main Page

Western Boone is excited to offer many clubs and activities that our students can participate in and gain valuable skills. Being involved in clubs and activities builds positive character and helps show well roundedness when applying for jobs, colleges, and scholarships. Please select the type of club you might like to get involved in from the list below to review requirements and descriptions.
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Student Life All Grades Clubs

Class Officers

Class officers are elected by their grade-level peers in the spring semester each year. Class officers are responsible for being school leaders and planning activities for their fellow students.

Club Sponsor: 

Julie Baumgart or Terra Query (Seniors)
Whitney Weber (Juniors)
Ryan Hawkins (Sophomores)
Terri Gavin (Freshman)

All-School Theatrical Play

The play and theatre department is designed to give students the opportunity to experience live theatre. The fall play occurs in September through December and meets in the auditorium. Students who are interested in acting or being a part of the stage/tech crew are encouraged to get involved. 

Club Sponsor: Ali Long
Club Meeting Location/Time: Auditorium/After school, September through December

All-School Musical

The musical department is designed to give students the opportunity to experience live theatre. The spring musical occurs in January through March and meets in the auditorium. Students who are interested in acting, singing, dancing or being a part of the stage/tech crew are encouraged to get involved. 

Club Sponsor: Ali Long
Club Meeting Location/Time: Auditorium/After school, January through March


Choir is a performance-based class on singing in an ensemble. There are four main concerts throughout the year and small community events that also take place. Students who are interested in acting, singing, dancing or being a part of the stage/tech crew are encouraged to get involved. 

Club Sponsor: Ali Long
Club Meeting Location/Time: Class meets daily

Game Club

The Game Club's goal is to play games with peers and teach new members how to play the game. Anyone is invited.

Club Sponsor: Terri Gavin
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 257, Tuesdays After School 3-5 pm

Student Life High School Clubs


AMP is a mentoring group for the seventh grade class. Sophomores and juniors apply each May to be a mentor for the following school year and are selected by committee. Each mentor will meet with a group of 7th grade students twice a month, encouraging and building positive social relationships.

Club Sponsor: Brooke Walden & Hope Martin
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 17/Thursday mornings at 7:20am

Boone County Kiwanis Leadership Teams (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors)

Each year, ten sophomore students are chosen to represent Western Boone (along with students from each of the other high schools in Boone County). These students will be selected by teacher and staff nomination as being students of outstanding personal character and ability to display leadership qualities such as being respectful, trustworthy, responsible, influential, motivated, & honorable in behavior and attitude. This group will work together with peers from Lebanon and Zionsville High Schools to explore leadership and global issues both in the county, state, and country. Students will have the opportunity to tour areas in each of the school districts, hear from leaders and practice leadership skills. The goal of this program is to develop students’ awareness of leadership principles and the potential they have to make a positive impact on our community. Students chosen as sophomores will be invited to continue involvement in the program as juniors and seniors in creating more hands-on, student-facilitated leadership projects.

Club Sponsor: Sara Nicodemus 
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 17/White Thursday Homerooms

Chess Club

The Chess Club encourages all students in grades 9-12 to come together to play chess (and other board games). Students do not have to know how to play chess before attending a meeting. There are plenty of students who can teach others how to play. 

Club Sponsor: John Dale
Club Meeting Location/Time: Cafeteria/ White Tuesday Homerooms

Creative Writing Club
Creative Writing is for any student in grades 9-12 who is interested in and actively involved in writing. Activities will explore different techniques, generate creativity, cause interaction between members, and encourage the curious writer to grow. There are no dues, no homework, and no prerequisites for this club membership (although sharing chocolate would be appreciated!). Just come with an open mind, ready to explore.

Club Sponsor: Tricia Skibbe & Fallon Peters
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 19/Red Thursday Homerooms

Dance Team
Open to all students in grades 9-12 pending a tryout. They perform at pep sessions, athletic events, and compete throughout the state. Jazz, hip hop, and pop are styles of dance included in routines.

Club Sponsor: Olivia Cape
Club Meeting Location/Time: Mornings

Ecology Club 

Ecology Club is responsible for recycling at the high school. They also have activities to increase awareness of and to promote living a green lifestyle and saving the planet.

Club Sponsor: John Brunty
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 204/Blue Thursday Homerooms

FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America)

FCCLA is the only national student organization with family as its center focus. Members must have completed (or be currently enrolled in) at least one Family and Consumer Science (FACS) course. There are a variety of activities and opportunities for members of which to take advantage. State Leadership Conference is held every March and students can compete in proficiency events to earn national recognition for their hard work; community service projects are done on the local, state, and national levels; there are multiple opportunities each year to travel to new places and meet new people. With family as its center focus, FCCLA chapter projects tend to help families in the community, no matter what age they may be. This is the organization to be involved in if you want to sharpen leadership skills, learn about options for your future, and make a difference in your community. FCCLA is open to grades 7-12 and has 220,000 members in 53 different states (including Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, & District of Columbia). Please consider what FCCLA has to offer!

Club Sponsor: Sara Nicodemus
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 241/Red Tuesday Homerooms

FFA (Future Farmers of America)

FFA is an intracurricular club for students enrolled in high school Agricultural Education Classes. As an FFA member, you’ll work on developing your potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. By participating in competitions, degree programs, conferences, state and national conventions, community service projects, summer camps and chapter committees, you’ll grow in ways that utilize your talents and help develop important leadership skills. The key to success in FFA is to get involved.

Club Sponsor: Travis Terhaar
Club Meeting Location/Time: Officers Meet Room 38/Red Tuesday Homerooms

Spanish Club

Spanish Club celebrates the diverse world in which we live. We have guest speakers, create cultural crafts, and participate in cultural activities such as singing, dancing, cooking; field trips to restaurants, museums, and festivals are also included. Students are not required to be enrolled in a Spanish class in order to participate. It is open to any open-minded student wanting to experience other cultures and customs around the globe.

Club Sponsor: Jennifer Brunty & Jennifer Skoda
Club Meeting Location/Time: /Blue Thursday Homerooms

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives... one heart at a time. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. The FCA Values are integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence. 

Club Sponsor: Beth Walker
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 235/Tuesday mornings at 7:20am

Key Club

Key Club open to students in grades 9-12 and is the high school branch of Kiwanis International. It is a club geared towards reaching out to those in need both locally and nationally. Our local club sponsors families in need during the holidays, rakes yards and cleans local parks in the fall, and volunteers at the Caring Center, Women's Crisis Shelter and the Shalom House. We also raise awareness and funds for the March of Dimes and the Eliminate Project. Students who wish to be members must be able to commit to serving after school hours for at least one event per semester. Dues are required each year in the total amount of $15. $13 are for national dues and $2 are for local dues.

Club Sponsor: Jen Brunty
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 43/Red Tuesday Homeroom

NAHS (National Art Honor Society)
NAHS is open to students in grades 10-12 and must be inducted. Criteria for induction include: an A average in Art classes, two years of Art classes, actively promote art through volunteer work and exhibits, and participate in a variety of art activities and events.

Club Sponsor: Terri Gavin
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 257/White Thursday Homeroom

NHS (National Honor Society)
The Western Boone chapter of National Honor Society receives members by invitation. After the 5th and 7th semester grades are finalized, interested students will be asked to complete a Student Activity Information Form. Students must have attended Western Boone Jr/Sr High School for at least one semester and have a 3.67 cumulative grade point average as well as have taken or be taking two classes designated as honors, advanced, AP, or ACP. The NHS Faculty Council makes their selection based on the information form as well as evidence of integrity, positive behaviors, cooperation, ethics, and leadership assessments. Members are required to sustain exemplary scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and character by participating in chapter as well as individual service projects while maintaining a 3.67 GPA. Club Sponsor: Julie Baumgart
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 223/White Tuesday Homeroom

Pep Club
Students grades 9-12 may submit applications to be a member. Our goal is to enhance school spirit and WeBo pride by sponsoring and coordinating fun, exciting, engaging activities and experiences that the entire student body can enjoy. Some of the things Pep Club typically sponsors are the Homecoming Week Celebrations, School Pep Sessions, and Student Cheer Blocks.
Club Sponsor: Sara Nicodemus
Club Meeting Location/Time:

Prom Committee
Open to juniors who would like to help with prom. Members decide the theme, lead fundraising, sell tickets, and design decorations.

Club Sponsor: Whitney Weber
Club Meeting Location/Time: Media Center/Blue Tuesday Homerooms

Student Advisory Committee 

Student Advisory is a group of student leaders that serves as representatives of the student body in dealing with school policies and procedures. They are nominated by the teaching staff.

Club Sponsor: Jon Compton
Club Meeting Location/Time: /Red Thursday Homerooms

Student Council

The High School Student Council is in charge of planning and organizing homecoming activities as well as the school's Veterans' Day program. Members are elected to be on the council.

Club Sponsor: Riley Lerch
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 249/Blue Tuesday Homerooms

Sunshine Society 

Sunshine Society is a service organization for girls and was started in 1901 at Crawfordsville High School. Advance High School was one of the first to have a Sunshine Chapter in the state of Indiana. Sunshine's motto is "Others," the emblem is The Rising Sun, song is "My Sunshine Girl," and the flower is the Yellow Rose. The state is divided into 3 districts and Western Boone is in District 1. Sunshine's State Charity is Riley Hospital, and every year each chapter donates money to Riley Hospital.  Western Boone's Sunshine Society is a very active chapter. We provide teacher favors each month to our teachers and staff, host a welcome back breakfast for the staff each year, Christmas carol at 3 local nursing homes, assist with the Boone County toy drive every year at Christmas, and help provide Christmas gifts for needy families. The favorite activity is choosing an "Ideal Lady" each year!!!

Club Sponsor: Amy Morrison & Lisa Pierce
Club Meeting Location/Time: Auditorium/Red Tuesday Homerooms

Student Life Jr High Clubs

Jr. High Art Club

The Jr. High Art Club is for any junior high student who loves art and wants to learn more skills. Students must sign up to participate through Canvas. See Mrs. Gavin to get instructions on how to do that and with any other questions.

Club Sponsor: Terri Gavin
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 257/Blue Tuesdays & Mondays after school from 3-5pm

Jr. High Book Club

The Jr. High Book Club is for any junior high student who wants to read. Students will read a different book each month and meet for discussion.

Club Sponsor: Tricia Skibbe
Club Meeting Location/Time: Media Center/White Tuesday Homerooms

Jr. High Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

The Jr. High FCA is for any junior high student. Students will present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

Club Sponsor: Beth Walker & Susan Neese
Club Meeting Location/Time: Jr. High Gym/Red Tuesday Homerooms

Jr. High Student Council

The Jr. High Student Council is elected by junior high students. Students help with the food drive, coordinate a dance in the spring, and help with incentives for honor roll. 

Club Sponsor: Jennifer Foxworthy & Sara Nicodemus
Club Meeting Location/Time: Room 241/White Thursday Homerooms

National Junior Honor Society

The Western Boone chapter of National Junior Honor Society receives members by invitation. The NJHS Faculty Council makes their selection based on the information form as well as evidence of integrity, positive behaviors, cooperation, ethics, and leadership assessments. Members are required to sustain exemplary scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and character by participating in chapter as well as individual service projects while maintaining a high GPA. 

Club Sponsor: Julie Baumgart
Club Meeting Location/Time: