How do I get the best grades and why does it matter?

Why do grades matter?

Not many students ask us this question, but they do think it and it affects their performance.  Grades matter because all high school grades will appear on a student's permanent record.  This permanent record is called a transcript.  A transcript is the actual proof of a student's graduation as well.  When college ask us for information about a student when deciding if they want to admit them, we send a transcript.  When an employer contacts us to ask for verification of education, we send them a transcript.  When an insurance company asks us to send verification of a student who wants a discount on their policy, we send them a transcript.

Basically, everything a student does in high school will affect this transcript and could affect the student's future!

It is important to make sure the transcript is the best possible reflection of the student.  People that ask to review a transcript do not know students personally and make judgments about the students based, many times, solely on this one document.

What can I do to get the best transcript?

Having the best performance possible starts out by selecting the best courses that fits the student's needs and abilities.  A student who struggles in math should not take upper level or honors mathematics.  If the student did take those courses, the student likely would not earn the best grade and would be a poor reflector of the student as a whole.  

The questions to always ask when selecting courses are:

1. Am I meeting graduation requirements?
2. Do the courses challenge me, but are not too difficult for my abilities?
3. Do the courses help prepare me for my future career goals?

If the student can answer yes to those three questions, then taking those courses are likely a great idea and will prepare the best transcript possible.

How are grades calculated?

Please review the following document for more information about grades and how they affect a transcript.

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What does a school counselor do?

What does a school counselor do?

In a broad sense, school counselors provide academic, college, career, and personal guidance to students.  Let's break each area down...

Academic Guidance

This area of our responsibility includes advice on how to perform better in high school.  It includes scheduling classes that will meet students needs and abilities and aligning those things with high school graduation. We check grades frequently and meet with students who are not meeting their potential to discuss methods of improvement.  We make referrals to potential tutoring resources for extra help.  Time management is typically a factor in poor performance. It is not unusual for us to help students make daily/weekly calendars so students can plan their time best.  School counselors meet with each new student who wishes to enroll at Western Boone in order to plan a schedule and get acclimated to the school. 

College Guidance

This area of our responsibility includes scheduling in regards to future planning, i.e., making sure college admission requirements are being met.  We also check grades frequently with college guidance in mind so students have the best academic record possible to present to college admission officers.  School counselors are responsible for providing guidance about college admission testing such as the SAT and ACT and their practice tests like the PSAT.  

Career Guidance

Career guidance involves helping students plan for the career that suits their interests, values and skills the best.  We encourage students to complete various assessments that test a students best fit for specific careers.  We also guide students into certain courses that will help prepare students most for their career choice.

Personal Guidance

School counselors also are heavily trained on how to help students cope with personal challenges.  Students will typically struggle with how best to handle challenges with friends, significant others, and family members and seek our advice on next steps.  We are available to make recommendations on places to seek resources in the community as well.

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How do I apply for college?

College Applications

Many students and families are not sure how to apply for education after high school.  We hope the information below will help understand this process.

When do I apply to college?

Most college applications are available beginning August 1st of the student's senior year.  Some applications don't become available until September 1st.  Regardless of application availability date, we encourage all students to apply to schools of their choice before fall break.  A number of schools have priority application deadlines of November 1st.  It is important to note that when a college posts a deadline, they must have all required application materials received by that deadline.  

What do I need to apply to college?

Typically, college applications require:

Application (found on the college's website)
High School Transcript (order on
Senior Year Schedule

College Admission Testing Scores
Personal Essay
Recommendation Letters

Will I get in to the college of my choice?

The best way to find out if a particular college is a good match is to speak with your student's school counselor.  Most colleges will post information about their admission requirements on their website.  This will usually include median grade point averages and test scores of their admitted students.  In the state of Indiana, the most challenging school to be admitted is to Notre Dame.  Indiana University Bloomington and Purdue University are also significantly challenging and getting harder each year.  Students should apply to multiple schools that have the program of their choice and also have admission requirements that the student can meet.  

When will I find out if I get in to college?

Most colleges are on what is called "rolling admission".  This means that colleges review applications as soon as they receive all of the required materials.  Therefore, the earlier you apply, the faster you will hear back from them with an admission decision.  The turnaround time is close to 4-8 weeks.  Purdue University is the exception.  Students will not find out if they are admitted until ~January 15th each year (if they apply by November 1st).

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How do I figure out what I want to do for a career?

Career Aptitude/Interest Testing

Knowing what you want to do for a career can be a very scary thought.  Students tell us frequently that they don't know what they want to do with their life, where they want to go to college, or what they want to or should study after high school.  Below are a few resources that might help.  Learn More Indiana has a free assessment that partners with Work One called Indiana Career Explorer.  This assessment covers not only career interest, but career values and skills, which are two additional and equally important pieces to career development. 

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    • ADMIN Office

      Western Boone Community Schools
      1201 N. State Road 75
      Thorntown, IN 46071-9229

      Rob Ramey, Supt.
      Phone: 765-482-6333

      Hours: 7:30AM-4PM, M-F

      Jr.-Sr. High School

      Western Boone Jr.-Sr. HS
      1205 North St. Rd. 75
      Thorntown, IN 46071

      Brent Miller, Principal
      Phone: 765-482-6143
      Fax: 765-482-6146
    • Elementary schools

      Granville Wells Elementary
      5046 South St. Rd. 75
      Jamestown, IN 46147

      Tricia Stanley, Principal
      Phone: 765-485-6311
      Fax:  765-676-5012

      Thorntown Elementary
      200 W. Mill St.
      Thorntown, IN 46071

      Abbie Hayden, Principal
      Phone: 765-485-2447
      Fax: 765-436-2630

      Mission Statement

      We are a partnership of school and community that serves diverse educational needs by providing a safe learning environment that is innovative, competitive, a builder of self-worth, inspiring and fun.
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